call it a pre-new year's resolution.
Friday, 9 December 2011
actually drawing a bit again after taking a long break
i've started a 1 a day sketchbook, just small things to get images on paper instead of just in my mind. hopefully this will get me back to a better skill level when it comes to doing actual projects, and drawing every day will be a good habit to keep. so far, i'm enjoying it 4 days in.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Friday, 2 September 2011
i've not posted anything on here in a long long time
i will get around to moving things onto my new laptop and scanning things and uploading things (and actually drawing something proper and new for the first time in far too long) sometime soon.
i have too many ideas floating around in my head and neither the conviction nor the time spent alone needed in order to make them material.
Friday, 24 June 2011
Thursday, 23 June 2011
cake please
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Sunday, 19 June 2011
story of isaac

so i'd meant to do this for ages, i finally got around to it - a nice drawing of Sadie and Isaac, it's a massive bummer that i can't afford to go see them for the first time in ages when they support Ritualz tomorrow, but c'est la vie i guess. boo.
sorry for the less than wonderful quality, but i don't have an A3 scanner so this was a try-and-hold-the-camera-exactly-above-and-as-still-as-possible job..
check them out here
edit: i notice that isaac's eye looks out of place, it looks less so on the real deal for some reason. gah!
Saturday, 18 June 2011
one day project - the alpenglow
a while back we were set a couple of one day projects to freshen us up a bit in the middle of all the longer briefs, i was daunted originally at the thought of having to get stuff done in such a small amount of time, but it actually helped me to recognise that i thoroughly prefer doing quick projects rather than spending weeks on something. it's because they take advantage of the way that i always have loads of enthusiasm when i first start working, and it forced me to sit and really get into that straight away, and there's no time for me to lose motivation and peter out.

this brief was to take the words from The Alpenglow scale (a list of terms to rate how spectacular a sunset looks in the alps) and apply them to a scale of our own choosing. my scale was for how freckled one can be. pretty cute i think..

"molto spento"


"piuevidente, ma ancora spento"


"poco piu che normale"
"bello e intenso"
"molto bello"
back to london
Monday, 6 June 2011

the book was pretty uninspiring, although i did think that it demonstrated well the concept of halo theory. one will attribute positive personality characteristics to persons that are deemed to be physically attractive, and the same with the opposite. even though the monster is nothing but purely good at the start of it's life, people perceive it as evil simply based on appearance. i wanted originally to explore the idea of trying to show the good and evil acts of the 2 main characters through the aesthetic quality of the images, without being detracted from by the inherent physical appearance of them, but that was something of a tall order based on my lack of skill at following projects through properly :/ i do think they're quite ok studies of hands though in their own right.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
the rat

the man who planted trees
we were each given a personal project to work on by our tutor that he felt would suit us in some way, mine was to read the book The Man Who Planted Trees and do whatever i felt suited it. i started off with the intention to make patterned paper from woodengravings, but the nerves in my hands had other plans. in the end i did lino instead for the patterned paper, and made a bookshelf using it. if the walls in my house weren't made of 1 layer of plasterboard then i would screw it up on the wall like it's intended, but i like it on my desk anyway aha.
mapping project from foundation
N15 6RH zine

one of our projects this year was to pick a number out of a hat and make a series of books based on whichever number we got, mine was 65. in the end i decided on making a run of 11 zines (6+5) filled with portraits of the people living in my house at the time (more or less)
it's funny looking back at this and seeing how different some of us are in the space of just a few months, and how some of the people are completely gone from my life now. change fascinates me.
i might do another one of these just to look at how different my house is now.
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Friday, 3 June 2011
a nice little wood engraving
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