i took this photo nearly 2 years ago now, when i was visiting london randomly during my art foundation. i'd not uploaded it before but it's been on the wall in my various rooms pretty much since i took it. melissa prompted me to upload it seeing as i like it so much. it's taken at piccadilly circus in the evening, i love the strange quiet and desolation the photo has, despite the location it was taken. the featureless figures in the foreground (nice alliteration there katie) really capture the wonderful feeling i get when i go for a wander in central, walking the city to experience it, anonymous in a crowd, little flaneur that i am.
i really need to get a 35mm film camera again, i might look into loaning one from uni, although i don't know if there will be restrictions because i'm not a photography student, like if they get first dibs... i dunno. i miss using film and i miss using the darkroom. it's been faaaar too long my love!